Eclipse – High Speed Microfilm Scanner

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ECLIPSE® Incredibly Powerful Microfilm Conversion
The Eclipse® high-speed microfilm scanner delivers the fastest scanning capabilities in the industry and helps organizations quickly covert their roll film into high quality digital images at speeds up to 2,000 frames per minute.

Convert your entire microfilm collection in less time!

Introducing the most powerful production microfilm scanner in its class – Eclipse 2000

Delivering the Fastest Scan Speeds in the World

The Eclipse 2000 is the world’s fastest production-level microfilm scanner designed for the ultimate power user. nextScan’s Eclipse scans an entire roll to digital at untouchable scan speeds up to 2,000 frames per minute. Scan an entire 100ft. roll of microfilm in a little over one minute and turn entire microfilm collections into digital archives faster than ever before.

Producing the Sharpest Image Quality

Get the highest quality scans, in the least amount of time possible.

Combined with top-of-the-line optics, the Eclipse 2,000 uses a powerful CMOS line scan camera and proprietary Lumintec Lighting Technology to capture raw native image resolution at optimum scan speeds up to 2,000 frames per minute.

The Eclipse Microfilm Scanner does not sacrifice image quality to achieve higher scan speeds unlike other microfilm scanners. With unique line scanning technology, the entire roll of film is captured in continuous succession at 8,192 pixels per line, or 16,192 pixels per line with a greater optical configuration.

Powerful Production Powered by NextStarPLUS Workflow Software

NextStarPLUS® is a fully configurable end to end workflow and tracking solution that enables optimum scan time and speed, quality of output and enhances the accuracy of the overall conversion process.

Combined with top scan speeds, the NextStarPLUS Workflow Software platform enables optimal productivity to significantly speed up the quality control process. All image data is captured initially in grayscale as a “Ribbon”.

Images are automatically segmented post scan using an intelligent frame detection algorithm. Audit operators can perform image enhancements image by image or to a selected group of frames at once from any of the 5 available workstations.

Simultaneous capture, index, audit, and output enables optimal file processing performance for your team so operators can audit and output microfilm to digital files, while you scan and capture the next roll.

ECLIPSE – Incredibly Powerful Microfilm Conversion by nextScan

STViewScan 4 Microfilm Scanner

2015 – 2021 Platinum Award Winning Microfilm Scanner with 18-megapixel colour camera is the most advanced microfilm scanning solution available today.

NextScan - FlexScan Scanner

FlexScan® enables the best use of your investment by deploying a single high-performance system to meet the demands of multifaceted scanning challenges.

NextScan - Eclipse Scanner

The Eclipse® delivers the fastest scanning capabilities and quickly covert the roll film into high quality digital images at speeds up to 2,000 frames per minute.

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