From early 1970s through to the late 90s councils preserved building and development application records by transferring them to microfilm and microfiche for archival purposes.

The microform material has a recommended archival life as low as 30 to 40 years where acetate film was used. Today the recommended life of this archival film is expiring.

DatacomIT specialised digitisation team have digitised over 500,000 microforms generating over 50 million individual images for Australian councils. These were scanned and captured at DatacomIT’s specialised microform digitisation facility and individually quality assessed for readability and sharpness.

All microform was registered in accordance with the Council’s policies, guidelines and procedures.

Digitisation has enabled councils to not only eliminate manual handling processes but also make the retrieval of records faster and safer.

f unsure of the condition of your microform and require professional advice, please contact DatacomIT on 1300 887 507 or to learn more about digitisation, security and peace of mind.